"I've been a leader in the personal growth Rebirthing movement for a period of 23 years. Rebirthing is the most powerful emotional healing process I've ever been exposed to. Rebirthing is a powerful and dynamic process that results in profound healing and spiritual growth. Mr. Vorensky's book I Dare to Heal describes the benefits of this ancient breath process. I recommend the reading of Mr. Vorensky's book."

Cass Smith
Sadhana Fellowship

"Joel is a sensitive caring man committed to his personal and spiritual growth. His book inspires and encourages us all as we journey together."

Angela Geary
Transformational Counselor

"As a breathing and emotions therapist, I have seen Joel confront his issues with a commitment and a passion that have been admirable! He is, indeed, a courageous man."

Barbara Fox White, M.A.

"Having been a practitioner of T'ai Chi Chih and Qigong for twenty years, I have experienced many wonderful changes in my life and my attitude. I have found that these practices reduce stress and bring calmness to my life that allows me to experience more happiness and inner peace. Joel Vorensky speaks of the benefits of T'ai Chi Chih and other breathing methods in this book, I Dare to Heal. I know he too has personally experienced the loving power of T'ai Chi Chih and the joy and calmness produced by these practices. I encourage you to read his book, which offers many ideas that you too can add to your life so you too can live a life of true happiness and peace."

Susan Patterson
Teacher of T'ai Chi Chih / Qigong

"What a treasure it is to find contained in this single source such a comprehensive gathering of practical and effective tools to assist and empower our spiritual perfection. Great encouragement, and an inspiration to 'GO FOR IT' can be found in the enjoyment of this book."

Syhd Clopton, NCW
Miracles Retreats Leader,
Course in Miracles Facilitator

"Joel's sense of being, his oneness to the flowing tides of conscious existence and spiritual enlightenment, reclaims the vitality of our essence and provides purpose to those lives lacking identity."

Christopher Rogers
CSR Productions

"The Hebrew word for mending, healing, and transformation is Tikkun. In Jewish mystical practice, the purpose of life is to heal our soul, and to heal the world. Joel Vorensky has written I Dare to Heal for just that purpose. Joel is a wonderful storyteller, teacher and ecstatic being. In this autobiography we can experience how he has mended, healed, and transformed his life. His story teaches us to turn problems into opportunities. Then, as the psalms say, we can truly 'treasure each day', holding our dark side with understanding and compassion, and opening ourselves to the wisdom and love of the light."

Burton Bialik, Ph.D., MFCC,
Certified Group Psychotherapist

I Dare to Heal is a deeply revealing and compelling invitation to the profound healing power of Breath Work and Rebirthing. With sensitivity, vulnerability, and genuine love, author Joel Vorensky accurately describes the incredible transformational journey that is available and that has been so beneficial to many thousands. I highly recommend this beautiful book to anyone who is sincerely seeking to free themselves from emotional pain from the past or the present. You will be inspired.

Robert Frey, MA, Ph.D. Candidate
International Tantra Teacher, Author, and Counselor

I recommend the reading of I Dare to Heal. I have seen how Mr. Vorensky has benefited in his physical, emotional, and spiritual development from his participation in Tae Kwon-Do. I believe you too can benefit from the practice of this martial art.

Mustapha Abdulíjalil
Master Instructor

"I Dare To Heal is a remarkable book. I am familiar with most of the techniques it mentions, but I have never before seen all of them discussed in the same place. The author's description of his own experience with them gives a valuable insight into what experiences others can expect. Joel Vorensky has written a very useful book."

Robert Goodman
President, San Diego Publishers Alliance

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